The Interlink Academy and its long-time local partner Free Press Initiative (FPI) implement a comprehensive Media and News Literacy project in Zambia. The three-year project reaches out to numerous communities in three regions.
Interlink Academy is the partner of the new CMR Journalism Academy in Kathmandu. In a four-year long capacity building project, we will train educators and support the management in building the leading training institution for journalists in Nepal.
In 2014, Werner Eggert registered the Interlink Academy as a private non-profit organisation and started supporting journalists from all over the globe. We will celebrate the anniversay in Hamburg on October 14, starting at 6pm. Please save the date.
The Russian military attack on Ukraine has increased the wave of fake news in the country. In this project, experienced journalists and media literacy trainers offer help to find reliable information and debunk fake news.
Our "European Laboratory For Advanced Data Journalism" enables data journalists from the countries Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine to network and jointly develop and implement journalistic projects.