Interlink Academy Interlink Academy

Interlink Academy Celebrates 10 Years

In 2014, Werner Eggert registered the Interlink Academy as a private non-profit organisation and started supporting journalists from all over the globe. We will celebrate the anniversay in Hamburg on October 14, starting at 6pm. Please save the date.

The event to mark the anniversary will be held under the overall theme: “Journalism instead of activism, facts instead of fakes”.

The keynote speech will be delivered by media researcher Professor Bernhard Pörksen from the University in Tübingen. The Title: “Fact & Fake. The new power of disinformation – what we need to know and what we should do”.

Media researcher Professor Bernhard Pörksen will deliver the keynote speech: Fake news and what can and should be done to combat it.

Another speaker will be Hamburg’s Deputy Minister for Culture and Media, Ms. Jana Schiedeck.

In addtion, journalists from Russia and Myanmar will show how thex support their audience back home with constructive journalism.

The evening will end with a get-together; refreshments will be served.

Venue: Hühnerposten 1, 20097 Hamburg. Doors will open at 5:30 pm.

Access to the event is free of charge, however you will need to register via email:

Please find below videos from our partners and participants.

This event will be part of the Hamburg Week of Press Freedom which is coordinated by

ZEIT-Stiftung and Körber-Stiftung.
