Summer Schools for Citizen Journalists in Ukraine 2018
Our Summer Schools in Ukraine will bring together 100 young and aspiring journalists in the cities of Chernivtsi, Poltava, Sumy and Zaporizhzhya. The independent bloggers and community journalists will be taught how to produce better stories, videos, and infographics for the web. Other topics include digital security, research, and fact-checking. The four Summer Schools center around practical work and networking activities.
German and Ukrainian team members meet to plan for the Summer Schools 2018
The Summer Schools are organized together with the non-governmental Institute for Society and Communication Zaporizhzhya and MediaKompass Poltava. Other partners include the universites in Chernivtsi, Poltava, Sumy, and Zaporizhzhya.
The dates are as follows: Sumy July 6-15, Zaporizhzhya July 21-29, Poltava August 3-12, Chernivtsi August 14-23.
Check out the poster below for information in the Ukrainian language.
Applications are accepted as from now, and for the application form, please click here
The program is sponsored by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and aims to foster #CivilSocietyCooperation. For more information please visit last year’s photo gallery.
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