Interlink Academy Interlink Academy

Our Projects

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Capacity Building in Myanmar

Interlink Academy supports the media house Dawei Watch in Myanmar. Dawei Watch is the only remaining independent publishing house in the southeastern province of Thanintharyi. The aim of the project is to strengthen the digital capacity of Dawei Watch which publishes the weekly newspaper Thanintharyi News.

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Private: Cross-Border Investigations in Eastern Europe

We support cross-border collaborations and offer training to investigative journalists from Eastern Europe and Russia. The focus will be on data driven journalism, exchanging experiences, and designing joint investigations. There will be study tours to Hamburg and meetings in Ukraine. Participation is on invitation only.

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Data Journalism Masterclass in Nepal

Training in the coronavirus pandemic: Together with our longtime partner Media Research Center Nepal (CMR Nepal), we conduct several advanced training courses in Data Driven Journalism in Kathmandu. Journalists from all over Nepal will improve their skills in finding, analyzing and visualizing relevant information.

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Debunking Fake News in Eastern Ukraine

The Russian military attack on Ukraine has increased the wave of fake news in the country. In this project, experienced journalists and media literacy trainers offer help to find reliable information and debunk fake news.

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