Interlink Academy Interlink Academy


Zambia: Media and News Literacy

The Interlink Academy and its long-time local partner Free Press Initiative (FPI) implement a comprehensive Media and News Literacy project in Zambia. The three-year project reaches out to numerous communities in three regions.

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Nepal: Supporting New Journalism Academy

Interlink Academy is the partner of the new CMR Journalism Academy in Kathmandu. In a four-year long capacity building project, we will train educators and support the management in building the leading training institution for journalists in Nepal.

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Supporting Journalists in Exile

Interlink Academy supports journalists in exile with grants, consulting and technical advice. Please contact us for more information.

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Interlink Academy Celebrates 10 Years

In 2014, Werner Eggert registered the Interlink Academy as a private non-profit organisation and started supporting journalists from all over the globe. We celebrated the anniversary with Keynote Speaker Prof. Bernhard Pörksen in Hamburg on October 14.

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Media and Information Literacy for Zimbabwe

The Interlink Academy and its long-time local partner Centre for Innovation and Technology (CITE) implement a comprehensive Media and Information Literacy project in Zimbabwe. The four-year project reaches out to numerous communities in Matabeland.

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Debunking Fake News in Eastern Ukraine

The Russian military attack on Ukraine has increased the wave of fake news in the country. In this project, experienced journalists and media literacy trainers offer help to find reliable information and debunk fake news.

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Laboratory for Advanced Data Journalism

Our "European Laboratory For Advanced Data Journalism" enables data journalists from the countries Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine to network and jointly develop and implement journalistic projects.

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Interlink Academy hosted fome22 Symposium

The theme was "Dealing With The Past And Preparing For The Future - Media Assistance In Conflict Mitigation, Reconciliation And Peacebuilding". The event was a huge success with around 100 international guests and speakers. The fome22 Symposium took place in Hamburg, 13-14 Sept., 2022. Please scroll down for presentations and speeches.

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Peace Journalism through Professionalization

This project for journalists from Armenia and Azerbaijan aims at strenghtening professional reporting skills and raising awareness of ethical standards when reporting on conflicts. The trainings take place in the South Caucasus and in Germany.

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Supporting Investigative Journalists in Ukraine

Mariya Turchyna and Alyona Bereza (center) are investigative journalists specialized in exposing corruption and nepotism in Khmelnytzkyi, Ukraine. Our Managing Director Werner Eggert met the two participants in their hometown to discuss their work and program at Bihus.Info. The Interlink Academy has supported them on various levels. The project will continue until the end of 2021.

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Data Driven Journalism in Colombia

Together with our new partner, the renowned Fundacion Gabo in Cartagena/Colombia, we support investigative journalism in the regions of Colombia through online training courses for data journalists.

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Data Journalism Masterclass in Nepal

Training in the coronavirus pandemic: Together with our longtime partner Media Research Center Nepal (CMR Nepal), we conduct several advanced training courses in Data Driven Journalism in Kathmandu. Journalists from all over Nepal will improve their skills in finding, analyzing and visualizing relevant information.

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Investigating Germany-Russia-Ukraine

This program brings together investigative journalists from Germany, Russia and Ukraine. The participants will be trained in Data Driven Journalism and develop joint research projects. Originally planned as a face-to-face experience with workshops in Hamburg and Eastern Europe, the project has changed to online discussions now.

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Capacity Building in Myanmar

Interlink Academy supports the media house Dawei Watch in Myanmar. Dawei Watch is the only remaining independent publishing house in the southeastern province of Thanintharyi. The aim of the project is to strengthen the digital capacity of Dawei Watch which publishes the weekly newspaper Thanintharyi News.

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Investigative Journalism in Southern Africa

Together with our local partners CITE in Zimbabwe and NewsDiggers in Zambia we will continue offering courses in investigative journalism in 2020. The training will focus on factchecking methods and investigative research techniques. All courses consist of two attendance phases and an e-learning phase.

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Global Investigative Journalism Conference 2019 in Hamburg

The Interlink Academy and its partners host the GIJC 2019 in Hamburg. Journalists from all over the world have shared their expertise in investigative reporting. in more than 250 workshops. The 4-day-conference attracted more than 1700 attendees.

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Summer Schools in Ukraine 2019

Our Summer Schools in Ukraine bring together 100 young and aspiring journalists in the cities of Chernivtsi, Poltava, Sumy and Zaporizhzhya. The independent bloggers and community journalists are taught how to produce better stories, videos, and infographics for the web – while also having a lot of fun.

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Data Journalism in Myanmar

World-renowned Data Journalist Giannina Segnini taught Myanmar journalists how to access information about the government and private companies in the Southeast Asian country. Giannina is a Professor for Data Journalism at Columbia University in New York City and has been a regular trainer at the Interlink Academy for many years. Her training at the Myanmar Journalism Institute was her first in Myanmar. The participants came from the major private media outlets in Yangon.

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German Science Journalism for Russian Reporters

In our program for Russian science journalists participants from all over Russia have improved their professional and technical skills and reflected on the values of their profession. The course started with a kick-off meeting in Saint Petersburg, entered then into an intensive e-learning phase and closed with a study tour to Hamburg.

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Master Class in Data Journalism 2018 in Hamburg

Kick-off of our Masterclass in Data Journalism 2018 with Carsten Brosda (Minister for Culture and Media) in Hamburg: 13 participants from Belarus, Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Ukraine take their skills to the next level and use them in cross-border data journalism projects. The program runs until June.

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Nepal: Several MoJo Trainings for Regional Reporters

We have started another MoJo course in Nepal. Together with our long-time partner, the Centre for Media Research - Nepal, we have invited reporters from the regions of the Himalayan country to apply and expand their skills in mobile video reporting. Local trainers and e-learning play a vital role in the trainings.

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Mobile Reporting for Citizen Journalists in Zimbabwe 2017/18

Social media is a huge opportunity for citizen journalists in Zimbabwe to disseminate news and express their views. In our six-month blended learning program on mobile reporting, 32 local media activists professionalize their digital skills and learn how to produce smart videos for the web.

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Interlink Hosts Fact-Checking workshop at IPI Congress in Hamburg

The International Press Institute will hold its annual World Congress from May 18-20 in Hamburg. The Interlink Academy has been a long-time partner of the IPI. Our chief lecturer Claus Hesseling will do a workshop on fact-checking.

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Digital Journalism for the Caucasus 2018

Video Hype and Countering Fake News: the Internet is both, an opportunity and a threat for journalists. This three month long course for journalists from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia enables participants to improve on their factchecking skills and to master mobile video journalism. The course was opened by Anke Doletzki (fourth from right) from the German Embassy in Georgia.

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Train the Trainer – Deutsch

Du bist Journalist/in und willst Dein Wissen weitergeben? Werde Dozent und Trainer! Wir schulen Dich an zwei Wochenende in Hamburg und in einer dazwischen geschalteten E-Learningphase. Aktuelle Termine stehen unten.

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Ukraine: Train the Trainer Course in Sumy

Fourteen journalists and journalism lecturers from all over Ukraine are improving their training skills in Sumy. In a blended-learning course with two attendance phases at Sumy State University and in a two month long e-learning phase they learn how to create and conduct interactive training sessions on journalism.

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Summer Schools for Citizen Journalists in Ukraine 2018

Our Summer Schools in Ukraine will bring together 100 young and aspiring journalists in the cities of Chernivtsi, Poltava, Sumy and Zaporizhzhya. The independent bloggers and community journalists will be taught how to produce better stories, videos, and infographics for the web. Other topics include digital security, research, and fact-checking. The four Summer Schools center around practical work and networking activities.

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Undercover Reporter Anas Aremeyaw Anas speaks in Hamburg

Name, shame and jail. That is the motto of Anas Aremeyaw Anas. In Hamburg, the investigative journalist from Ghana shared his experience with the audience at the Netzwerk Recherche Annual Conference 2017. How does undercover reporting work in Africa? What is his motivation to expose crime? Are there any risks?

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Russian Journalists Study German Media

Young journalists from St. Petersburg/Russia study the German media system in a blended learning course over several months. The participants attend lectures and discussions on the strengths and weaknesses of the German media system – locally in St. Petersburg, on a study trip to Hamburg, and online on Interlink’s e-learning platform.

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Citizen Journalism and Community Media

Citizen journalists and community media have become more and more important when it comes to informing the public.

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Train the Trainer

Top-notch journalism training requires professional lecturers. We feel regular training for trainers is very important and offer intensive courses in Germany and abroad. We also assist newsrooms with developing, designing and implementing in-house training programs.

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Digital Journalism for Eastern Europe

Journalists from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine acquire smart skills about video, photography and data visualisation, doing online research, and internet security. This blended learning course consists of a strong attendance phase in Germany and one intensive e-learning module.

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